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18,19,20,21,22 JANUARY 2021


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Nrj Global

NRJ GLOBAL is the advertising agency for the NRJ Group's stations and channels (NRJ, Nostalgie, Chérie FM, Rire & Chansons, NRJ12, Chérie25 and NRJ Hits). Its media brands do everything possible to entertain its audiences with positive values associating stars, dreams, escapism, proximity, music, sharing, but also solidarity and commitment. 44 million French people are entertained each month by our media(1). NRJ GLOBAL is the leading commercial radio offering for the 25-49 and 25-59 age groups(2). The NRJ GLOBAL radio offer brings together 17 million listeners each week(3) and the TV offer 24 million viewers(4). NRJ GROUP is the leading private web radio offering with 38 million active listeners per month(5) and an increase of +19% in one year for podcasts, with now 8.5 million listeners per month(6).

Sources : (1) Médiamétrie Cross Média 2021 study. (2) Médiamétrie EAR - National, SO 2021, L-V, 5h-24h. QHM. (3) Médiamétrie Panel Radio, 2020-2021, Maximum coverage week 1 L-D, 5h-24h, 13 years and +. (4) Médiamétrie Médiamat, Jan-Dec 2021, weekly coverage, NRJ12 & Chérie25. (5) ACPM-OJD, ranking of radio stations broadcast on the Internet, average SW 2021. (6) Audiomeans, average SO 2021.

Radio Sales House